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Peer Support Groups

Caring and compassionate local people using mental health lived experience to support one another’s recovery

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Our Peer Support and Self Help Groups

Our Peer Support Groups are where people share their own experiences to help each other. How much you speak and how you connect is up to you. If you really don’t want to share how you are feeling, it might not be the right time for you, there’s no pressure from the group, and they will understand.

Our groups are powered by volunteers and community fundraising.

To register for any of our Peer Support Groups, click Register on our Contact Us page.

Virtual Peer Support Group

"The support was mutual. When I was going through a low patch, I often received reassurance and kind words."

"It's not always about getting or giving advice. It's also about having a safe space to get things off our chest and occasionally sharing a laugh about it all!"


Thursdays, 6pm - 8pm over Zoom.

Free to join.

Open to people living in East Staffs, Lichfield District and Tamworth.

Registration is required.

Our established Virtual Peer Support Group is run by two excellent facilitators with a heap of mental health experience and a wonderful calming manner.  The group focus on working towards and celebrating personal achievements. 

Burton Arts Group

Our informal Arts Group mixes peer support and chat with light arts and crafts actvities. Most participants bring their own hobby materials and there is skills sharing to learn new skills.

Wednesdays, 10:30am - 12:30pm - Burton Caribbean Centre

Free to join - free parking at rear. 

Open to people living in East Staffs (Burton and Uttoxeter)

Registration is required.

Image by russn_fckr

The group is ran by a commitee of people with lived experience of mental health problems, which a geniune emphasis on helping people to do more from themselves. There is no pressure, this is a wonderful starting point for someone recovering from mental illness who is looking for welcoming activites. We especially welcome referrals from Social Prescribing Link Workers and other Recovery Workers.

Mind Matters Burntwood

Our Peer Support Group in Burntwood is a great example of how people with mental health problems can come together and share their talents to help one another with chat, hints and tips and through listening!

Fridays 1pm-3pm - Burntwood Library

Free to join 

Open to people living in Burntwood and Lichfield

Registration is required.

All interested parties will be informally interviewed  ahead of attending - this is just we get an understanding of the needs of the person.

Image by Redd F

The group is ran by a commitee of people with lived experience of mental health problems, which a geniune emphasis on helping people to do more from themselves. There is no pressure, this is a wonderful starting point for someone recovering from mental illness who is looking for welcoming group to connect with. We especially welcome referrals from Social Prescribing Link Workers and other Recovery Workers.

How to Contact Us:

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Burton and District Mind

We’re Mind, the mental health charity.

We’re here to make sure anyone with a mental health problem has somewhere to turn for advice and support.

We are a Local Mind Association.
We are a registered charity in England and Wales, #1140492,

and a registered company, #7438326, in England.

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© 2024 Burton & District Mind 

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