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Charlie’s 100-mile run!

Charlie alongside Jo Smith and Lesley Kirk from Burton and District Mind at the Mossley Tavern picking up the £800 cheque raised by pub landlady Steph.
Charlie alongside Jo Smith and Lesley Kirk from Burton and District Mind at the Mossley Tavern picking up the £800 cheque raised by pub landlady Steph.

In 2025, 14-year-old Charlie Crutchley will be running a massive total of 100 miles over 6 weeks at the Shobnall playing fields to raise money for two charities. Between April 26 to June 1st, Charlie will be running seven miles every other day eventually culminating in an event in Donisthorpe.  

We at Burton and District Mind are incredibly grateful to have been selected as one of these two charities.  

When speaking to BurtonMail Charlie’s mum Michelle said the following “He chose Mind because when we were homeless, we struggled, and it made us rethink things. 

But Charlie said he wanted to raise money for people who don’t fight through it. He's 14 and has a strong head on his shoulders.” 

This will be a fantastic achievement to complete, and we will be supporting Charlie all the way!  

His other choice was charity ‘Head for Change’, a choice inspired by Charlie’s keen interest in football.  

Charlie has already picked up an £800 cheque from the Mossley Tavern in Rugeley which was collected by pub landlady Steph and Charlie’s grandad Collin Crutchley. This £800 cheque has gone towards supporting our Burton Running Group so thank you so much!  

We will have more information on Charlie’s Challenge over the coming months so be sure to keep an eye on our social media pages. Charlie will be making videos as he does his challenge, so you can also follow along through that!  

Thank you Charlie for supporting us, you are amazing, and we truly wish you the best for the challenge! 


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Burton and District Mind

We’re Mind, the mental health charity.

We’re here to make sure anyone with a mental health problem has somewhere to turn for advice and support.

We are a Local Mind Association.
We are a registered charity in England and Wales, #1140492,

and a registered company, #7438326, in England.

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