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Happy International Woman's day!

Trigger Warning – Mention of suicide/self-harm

Tuesday the 8th of March was International Woman’s Day, a day to celebrate the cultural political and socioeconomic achievements of women. This celebration occurs annually and this year had the theme of #Breakthebias. The aim of the theme being to try and push further and further for equality and create a world that is diverse, equitable and inclusive. Just because the day may have passed does not mean you need to stop pushing for the removal of bias, this is something we can do every day throughout the year, as is celebrating the women around us!

For more information on why #Breakthebias is so important you can find that here:

Whilst this is a day of celebration it is also an opportunity for us to reflect on how we can do more to help and support the women around us.

One in 5 women experiences common mental health problem such as anxiety, depression or self-harm, the rates of self-harm have doubled since 2000 with suicide rates tripling over the last 7 years.

We really need to do more.

Part of that doing more is making sure that the people around us feel cared for, supported and know there is help available should they need it. No one should suffer alone as that can only make things worse.

At Burton and District Mind we are very fortunate to have some amazing women as part of our team who every day help and support our local community with their mental health. Thank you all!

We support women, every single day!


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