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Our Carers Listening Service

Exciting News!

Our FREE Carers Listening Service is open for referrals. The Carers Listening Service is a short-term pilot to assess a new local intervention aimed at carers demonstrating signs and symptoms of emotional exhaustion to meet the increased demand since the pandemic. Commencing the week beginning Monday 5th September for up to 12 weeks, the intervention will be delivered weekly if needed by phone, in person or over MS Teams (at the preference of the participant) in the form of up to 60 minutes of an active listening and motivational interviewing session. Participants can attend as many sessions as they require to a maximum of 12.

Please Note: This is NOT a signposting or problem-solving service. It does not seek to counsel, support recovery or ‘move people on' but to give carers an opportunity to have a trained local person to listen to them in a non-judgemental manner with no expectation to have further responsibilities as a result of the project.

Referral Criteria

• Be aged 18 or over

• Must be a carer of someone with secondary care needs

• Must have lived experience of a mild to a moderate mental health problem with a risk of that mental health problem becoming worse

• Must be able to give time to be a participant in the project

• Live within Burton and District Mind service area of East Staffordshire, Lichfield District or Tamworth Borough.

To register for our Carers Listening Service you can do so through the following:

- Contacting your local Carers Service, Social Prescriber

- Contact us directly at:


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Burton and District Mind

We’re Mind, the mental health charity.

We’re here to make sure anyone with a mental health problem has somewhere to turn for advice and support.

We are a Local Mind Association.
We are a registered charity in England and Wales, #1140492,

and a registered company, #7438326, in England.

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© 2024 Burton & District Mind 

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