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The big burton carousel

We are now only weeks away from the official launch of ‘The Big Burton Carousel’ with it starting just next month!

This is such an important event for us here at Burton and District Mind and we truly cannot wait for it to begin.

What is ‘The Big Burton Carousel?’

This is a sculpture trail going around Burton, made up of 30 horses, each with its own artist and sponsor. Both of which are typically going to local to us here in Burton! This trail will go on for 10 weeks and will hopefully bring many people together to go and see all the horses.

Additionally, each of the horses will be made from compacted, recycled plastic to be environmentally friendly by Hardy Signs Ltd.

This is following the highly impressive swan trail back in 2020, and we are hoping this one will be even bigger! They chose the theme of carousel horses due to Burton Upon Trent’s rich history involving fairs, it was where local craftsmen George Orton and Charles Spooner came together to design and produce some of the world’s best fairgrounds from the 1890s to the 1950s!

In October these truly beautifully designed Carousel horses will be auctioned off, with the funds going to us here at Burton and District Mind. This will all go towards helping us help others and doing more for our local community’s mental health!

We here at Burton and District Mind are very honoured to have been selected as the chosen charity for this trail. The work done by the Making Trails team is nothing short of amazing and we are incredibly grateful for this opportunity to work together.

It is still a few weeks away but if you’re interested in finding out more information so you are ready for the launch pop on over to their website here ->


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