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Walk and Talk Football - a huge success!

Back in November, through a partnership with the Burton Albion Community Trust, we embarked on an exciting new project. This was Walk and Talk Football, which was a great opportunity for anyone struggling with their mental health to come together, have a chat and also do some light exercise!

Now almost 5 months on from our first session, the project has just been completed, and we are so proud of the success it found!

With all of the projects and services we run at Burton and District Mind, our primary aim is to improve the well-being of the people who take part and give them a place where they feel safe to talk about their mental health. This is something we feel we have definitely achieved!

Here are some of the amazing things that have been accomplished…

One participant who beforehand was experiencing isolation and not really going out is now attending 3 other groups through Burton Albion. His confidence has truly soared.

Another participant who could not go into social situations is now signing up to be a volunteer with Burton and District Mind as they want to help others who struggle as they did. This is just so inspiring!

Several of the participants came completely out of their shells after several weeks of coming together. It was wonderful seeing them laughing and smiling together and seeing the group as a whole grow together.

One participant has further supported what we do here at Burton and District Mind by donating money – Thank you so much for doing so, it really is massively appreciated!

The positive impact Walk and Talk Football has had on the lives of the people taking part has been amazing to see. This has all been made possible by the amazing team who came together to ensure this project could happen. Thank you all for your amazing hard work.

We have also received some very kind feedback that highlights the hard work of everyone involved with the project…

“It’s given me so much more confidence!”

“I never thought I would play football again; I can’t believe it!”

“I would just like to say a massive big thank you for the opportunity to enjoy playing football again. It's really my outlet for the week. Something I really look forward to. It's done wonders for my mood and general health overall.”

“I have made some great new friends.”

“Everyone’s energy and enthusiasm were great for me.”

For many people, exercise can often just be seen as a way of improving your physical health, however the impact it can have on your mental health is just as important! Regular exercise can be great for reducing anxiety, depression and stress levels. Whilst also being a fantastic way to connect with others if done through a group setting.

As a result of the success of this project, and seeing the positive impact that it has had, we definitely hope to run another sports related project soon. So definitely watch this space if this is something that you are interested in!

Thank you again for everyone’s support in making this project such a success.


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