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Website revamp!

Our updated website!

If you’ve used our website recently, you may have noticed some changes!

Our Development and Sustainability Team have been hard at work giving the website a much needed refresh to make using it a more streamlined experience.

You may also notice some new pages such as our Events page, where we will be advertising all our upcoming events set to take place throughout the year so be sure to keep an eye on that! We have some amazing things planned like a wonderful Reggae Night later in the year.

Some key improvements include…

- It is now more accessible and user friendly

- More in keeping with the Mind brand and representing what we do here at Burton and District Mind

- Easier to look at with less having to scroll around to find the information you need. Registering and referring should now be a far easier experience too!

- More real-life feedback from people who have experienced our services so you can get an idea towards the high quality of the services that we offer here

- A new page for people that are in need of urgent support.

We are very proud of the website's new look, and we want to take a chance to say well done to the people involved in putting this together!

Please take the time to give the website a look over and let us know what you think


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Burton and District Mind

We’re Mind, the mental health charity.

We’re here to make sure anyone with a mental health problem has somewhere to turn for advice and support.

We are a Local Mind Association.
We are a registered charity in England and Wales, #1140492,

and a registered company, #7438326, in England.

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© 2025 Burton & District Mind 

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